How to Make Your Vintage Business More Successful Using the 80/20 Rule - Bee Happi Vintage Press
The 80/20 rule is a concept that can be applied to vintage businesses to focus on the top-selling items and make the business more successful. The rule suggests that 80% of the results you get come from 20% of the work you put in. In the vintage business, this means focusing on the top-selling items and ensuring that they are always available to sell. By decluttering the booth and removing items that aren't selling well, there will be more space for the top-selling items. To maximize profits, pricing should be optimized to get the most revenue from the top sellers, while the prices of the items that aren't selling well can be adjusted to make them more attractive to buyers. Marketing efforts should also be targeted towards the top-selling items, while the top customers should be treated like VIPs to keep them coming back. Finally, the booth layout should be optimized to showcase the top-selling items.
Maribel Valls, MPH